Relaunch, restart


Before I deleted the whole site, the aircraft above was the banner for the previous iteration of  To say I have a few more aircraft photographs would be fairly accurate, though not as many as some for sure.  Those that know me understand my “thing” for aeroplanes, some have even been dragged round airshows and museums, such is the price of friendship (or marriage!).

Back in the mists of time, when people still used libraries,  I monopolised a book from the library near where I lived called “Project Cancelled” by Derek Wood, which documented a not inconsiderable number of aircraft that, as the title suggests, were cancelled for one reason or another and the British armed forces or airlines never received if, it must be said, in some cases they actually wanted them in the first place.  This book and the aircraft within it sewed a seed that may now, all being well, mature to flower.  But until I get confirmation in black and white, what this means in real terms, I’m not saying.

Meanwhile what it means to me is I need even more photos and I’m liable to swap all my existing camera kit for one body and one lens to do the job.